Week #17 – The Nature of Truth

Interesting. Thought provoking. Well worth reading.

Ellen Ls MasterKey


Don’t really have much of anything to say this week – sometimes that kind of worries me, as the weeks progress.  If I were really taking these lessons to heart, internalizing, believing and implementing, I shouldn’t run out of things to say, should I?  It isn’t as if finding three hundred words is particularly difficult…

Ah, but three hundred words plus that actually mean something – that’s something else.

Decisiveness is my word this week.  I was a little concerned when Mark said during the intro video last webinar that each week we should be finding more examples of our word than we had of the word the week before… there were so many examples of kindness in week two of the Franklin Makeover that I lost track of my count!  And I was in the world outside my home more, which helps.  This week, I’ve kept going back to…

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